Warding is a mechanism that allows players to unlock vision areas of the fight with Ward’s help. Later, players can see the fog of war (FoW) area quite clearly. Fog of war makes the visibility of the players very limited. In addition, Ward is also a mainstay to know the enemy who is swearing in the grass area.
Then, what is the function of using Ward? Actually, Ward is used to monitor and observe the rotation and mobilization of movements of enemy Heroes. By knowing the position and movements of enemy Heroes, you can easily anticipate ganking.
Early Game
After entering the battle area, generally, each Hero will go to each lane to farm (collect Gold or Experience). Every now and then, you’ll ganking to kill enemy Heroes in another lane. In addition, Jungler Hero also occasionally performs rotations to help Buff Monsters from enemy forests. These are common conditions that you will often encounter.
For mid-laner Heroes, you can place Ward in the grass area on your left or right side. In addition, you also have to place Ward in the upper or lower aisles connected to the mid-lane. Ward’s second position will help you to avoid ganking rotations from enemy Heroes. Because, hero mid-laner is very vulnerable and easily exposed to ganking.
For Hero Baron-Lane, all you have to do is put one Ward on the grass in the direction of the river. Ward’s position will really help you to see the movements of enemy Heroes who are trying to ganking. Just in case, you can also put Ward on the forest path to Baron-Lane in anticipation of the enemy Hero approaching from your forest.
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For Hero Dragon-Lane, you need to put one Ward in the grass of the river area and another on the grass of the forest path (adjacent to the access to dragon-pit). Ward in the river area will help you to avoid ganking from enemy Junglers, while you’re playing aggressively (attacking and poking damage). On the other hand, Ward in the forest area to Dragon-Pit can help you avoid ganking from enemy mid-laner. At the same time, ward can also ensure the safety of the track when you want to initiate an attack on dragon-pit.
For Hero Jungler, Ward’s position is quite conditional. If, you plan to play aggressively, then you can place Ward in the enemy’s Monster Buff area to ganking towards the enemy Jungler Hero (or stealing Buff Monsters for free). You can also put Ward in the lane area to make it easier for you when you want to ganking.
On the other hand, when Hero Jungler plans to play passively, you can place Ward in the river area to monitor the rotation of enemy Heroes or in the Baron and Dragon-Pit areas to monitor the initiation of enemy teams trying to retrieve Rift Herald or Dragon.
Mid Game
Mid-game is a very decisive phase of the game. In this phase, the cohesivey of a team is highly tested. You have to be able to read the enemy’s strategy and fighting style. However, on the other hand, you also have to quickly provide intense resistance. Usually, mid-laner and Jungler heroes become very important to win battles in this phase.
When the combat situation is intense enough, you should be able to read the fight situation quickly to make a decision: where should Ward be placed?
If both Dragon and Baron live, you can place Ward in their pit area to give a surprise attack (contest) to the enemy team who are trying to take dragon or Rift Herald.
You have to play a little aggressively in the mid-game phase to steal the momentum of the game and master the battle map. You can put Ward in the grass of the enemy forest area. So, you can initiate battles or kidnap enemy Heroes who mobilize in the area.
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If you are left behind, you must play with a little patience and caution. You can put Ward in the river area or your forest area. So, you can anticipate and read the enemy team’s movements very easily. That way, you can avoid rotational battles and anticipate push-turrets from enemy teams.
Late Game
Late-game is a very intense phase. You have to read the fight situation very quickly. In that phase there are two conditions that are most commonly found, namely your team is under pressure or your team is dominating the fight.
When your team gets behind, you have to make sure Ward is always attached to your forest area—generally the grass on the track that connects to each lane. The ward serves to anticipate any initiation of attacks from enemy teams. Because, when you are under pressure, the enemy can play more freely.
If you’ve lost your inhibitor-turret, you can also rely on Ward’s base entrance to detect push initiations from enemy teams. So, your team can be prepared in the Nexus area to perform defenses.
On the other hand, when your team is dominating the fight, you can place Ward in front of the inhibitor-turret to monitor the enemy team’s movements. Ward also makes it easy for you to ganking to enemy Heroes who are separated from the team (fighting alone). In addition, you can also place Ward in enemy forest areas—especially in the Monster Buff area. Ward will make it easier for you to finish off enemy Heroes who are trying to take buffs.
In addition, you can also place Ward inside the enemy base. Ward is useful to know the number and position of enemy Heroes who are doing defenses. Typically, wards are used when you’re about to destroy inhibitor-turrets. So, you can easily anticipate defensive attacks from enemy teams.
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