Starting a business does not look at age, status or employment. A student can also start a business. Especially for students who are still in the early semester who still have a lot of free time. In addition to being filled with useful activities, the free time can be used to start a business.
Here are some ways to start a business for a student.
The first : Create a list of the needs needed to start a business. Starting a business definitely requires some preparation, even if the business is small but we have to plan for it. Therefore at the beginning in starting a business we first make a list of what needs we will need.
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The second: Set aside the snack money as the initial capital. After we make a list of needs to start a business, surely we need capital to meet those needs. And one of the ways we can make ends meet is to set aside our snack money little by little to be the initial capital in starting a business.
The third : Take into account other costs such as accommodation and others. Once we have enough capital and the needs we need are already met, do not forget to take into account other costs that are no less important, such as credit purchases, quotas. For accommodation and other expenses. Don’t let us fail to start a business because it doesn’t take into account those costs.
The fourth : Trust the people who support us. Once everything has been taken into account and fulfilled, then always be optimistic and trust in the people who have always supported us in starting a business. Avoid people who always underestimate us. Don’t fail to start a business just because someone underestimates you. Pessimistic attitude is an attitude that is abstinence owned by entrepreneurs let alone owned by entrepreneurs who are just pioneering their business.
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The fifth: Do not forget to pray and worship according to their respective religions. Surely in religious life we must always worship and pray that everything we do is always smooth and easy in living it. Especially for those of us who just want to start a business, surely we want the business that we start later to be big and successful. Therefore we must often worship and pray that this new business we started can be great and successful.
There are several ways to start a business for students. Starting a business is not easy but if we are diligent and diligent in going through it it is not impossible that the business will lead us to success.
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